Brunswick YWCA: Facilities include an indoor pool, cybex room, weight room and cardio theatre. Many classes and activities. Memberships for men and women. 144 Scranton Connector, Telephone 265-4100; Cumberland Island: Ferry service to this National Seashore available daily. Fantastic beach, hiking, wild horses. Reservations required. Call 912 882-4335. Web page: About 50 miles south of Jekyll. Sapelo Island: A barrier island where Geeshee culture is preserved. Ferry service daily. Reservations required. For tours, call 912 437-3224. Web page: About 42 miles north of Jekyll. Okefenokee Swamp: Two sites worth visiting. Boat rides, tours, many alligators. National Wildlife Refuge is near Folkston (912 496-7836, 63 miles from Jekyll. A privately owned park is near Waycross (912 496-4472, 71 miles from Jekyll. Fort King George Historic Site: From 1721 to 1736, this was southern most British Outpost. Open Tues-Sat, 9 am to 5 pm; Sun., 2-5:30 pm. 912-437-4770; Located just north of Darien, 30 miles. Hofwyl Plantation: A former rice plantation, this state historic site has a museum and plantation house to visit. Open Tues-Sat, 9 am to 5 pm. On US 17 just north of Brunswick. Ft. Frederica: Located on St. Simons Island, this outpost was established by Gen. James Oglethorpe in 1736. Artifacts, film, museum. 638-3639.